Turn Midjourney Images into Vectors with Just One Click
Tracejourney Bot replies to every Midjourney upscale with an options menu. Choose your workflow and receive your vectorized or upscaled image in seconds, right in Discord.
Faster. Smarter.
Empowering creatives around the world: Tracejourney provides exceptional results at an unbeatable speed. Enhance your workflow and free up more of your invaluable time.
Cutting Edge AI Models
Our models run at scale on highly optimized GPU clusters and are always ready for you, so you can focus on being creative, not optimizing. Let the machines do the work.
Remove background
Background Gone in a Snap. Eradicate the background and let your subject shine—like magic.
Dive deeper into image clarity by upscaling up to 8x, eliminate noise, and celebrate the details.
From Pixels To Vectors
Endless Scalability, Uncompromised Quality: Transition to vectors and discover a world where your designs are always sharp, adaptable, and ready for any medium or magnification.
Direct Messages
Send your existinge images as a DM to Tracejourney.
Your Server, Your Rules
Invite Midjourney and Tracejourney to your server and let them create together.
Batch Processing
Let Tracejourney work on up to 10 images at the same time.
Vector Settings
Choose your favorite filetype: EPS, PDF or SVG.
+ Advanged Settings
Quick Adjustments
Make basic adjustments quickly, including brightness, contrast, color, and sharpness.
Convert images to PNG and JPEG with one click.
Elevate Your Creative Workflow
Connect with 30,000 fellow creatives on Discord and unlock the secret to high-quality upscales and vector graphics.